How does it work?

Read more about the background of how our product activates your innate immune system. We explain how exposure to our electromagnetic fields initiates an earlier and faster activation of neutrophils in the presence of pathogens compared with normal or regular disease development.

Infectious diseases are related to insufficient activity of the primary immune system

The immune system is an integrated network of biological processes that protects human beings from diseases. Our immune system detects and responds to a wide variety of pathogens. We distinguish between the primary or innate immune system and the secondary or adaptive immune system, and also take their interconnection into account.

The primary immune system decreases the spread of infections in the period before the secondary immune system kicks in, which takes three to five days. The system detects invading pathogens – such as viruses and bacteria – and breaks them up. The primary immune system produces cytokines and antibodies that are necessary to activate the secondary or adaptive immune system, which brings long-term immunity. The primary immune system also cleans up debris after the infection.

Microscope video of a neutrophil chasing and destroying a pathogen

Our immune system

The innate or primary immune system detects invading pathogens and provides a preconfigured response to a wide variety of situations and many different types of pathogens. Leukocytes – white blood cells – are single-celled organisms and operate independently in their response. The cells include macrophages, neutrophils and dendritic cells. In general, leukocytes identify and eliminate pathogens, either by attacking larger pathogens through direct contact or by swallowing and killing micro-organisms. The video shows a neutrophil chasing and destroying a bacterium (with spoken explanation).

On the other hand, the adaptive immune system provides a tailored response to each stimulus by learning to recognise molecules it has previously encountered. Hence this immune response is antigen-specific and requires recognition of specific foreign antigens. Should pathogens infect a body more than once, the so-called memory component of the adaptive immune system enables quick elimination of the pathogens. The cells of the adaptive immune system are special types of leukocytes, called lymphocytes. In case of repeat infection the adaptive immune system responds faster than the three to five day response period, and possibly even faster than the innate immune system.

Cells create danger signals to initiate the immune response

Endogenous danger signals (special proteins) released from necrotic or by pathogens stressed cells which trigger the inflammatory response are known as danger-associated molecular patterns. Similarly to infection-derived exogenous pathogen-associated molecular patterns these danger signals play a crucial role in the initiation and first phases of the human immune response to pathogens.

Neutrophils phagocytose pathogens and activate secondary immune cells

Because we have scientific and experimental evidence that our Activator stimulates neutrophils, these are discussed in more detail.

Neutrophils or neutrophilic granulocytes are the largest group of leukocytes, making up about 60% of the total white blood cell count in a healthy human body. Neutrophils are short-lived cells, generated from stem cells in the bone marrow. They appear at an average of six hours in the peripheral blood stream before leaving the stream as a response to interferons produced by infected or inflamed tissues. Interferons bind with specific cell surface receptor complexes. Upon binding with receptors, neutrophils transfer to an activated state and start to phagocytose pathogens – in other words, they destroy them.

The start of the protective innate and adaptive immune response is however delayed until there is evidence of damage caused by pathogens. This evidence comes to neutrophils in the form of cytokines – danger signals as described above. In accordance with this, the immune system actually needs the presence of both pathogens and danger signals to become active.

In recent years it has become evident that neutrophils not only have a fundamental role in the acute phase of inflammation when they actively eliminate pathogens, but are also capable of modifying the overall immune response. Neutrophils do this by exchanging information with macrophages, dendritic cells and other cells of the adaptive immune system through either soluble mediators or even direct cell-to-cell contact.

Effects of exposure to electromagnetic fields

Short-term exposure results in stress induction and activation of the different intracellular sensing activities that induce cells to produce danger signals. As a result, neutrophils are activated similarly to situations with the presence of pathogens. More specifically:

Our device generates alternating electromagnetic fields. These fields induce small voltages and currents, as well as small mechanical forces in semiconducting materials as present in cells. What is known as resonance effects occur thanks to our smart choices for combinations of specific signal shapes and frequencies – all part of our scientific knowledge and experience.

Through resonance these forces and resulting vibrations build up until they gradually reach a level that influences internal cellular processes. This building process creates a dysbalance in body cells. The cells react by producing danger signals – cytokines. The signals are recognised by neutrophils, activating them and making them react earlier as well as faster to suspicious objects, i.e. pathogens.

When some of the billions of neutrophils in our body attack and recognise pathogens and send out an alarm to other neutrophils, these also become activated. An amplification loop develops and the incubation time of an infection is significantly reduced. This process begins before there can be any lingering effects of the electromagnetic fields on cells: small, temporary shifts are sufficient. The human immune control system remains in charge.


Exposure to our electromagnetic fields initiates an earlier and faster activation of neutrophils in the presence of pathogens compared with normal or regular disease development. Because of this, pathogens will not be able to grow uncontrolled and expand exponentially during a long incubation period, as they are attacked earlier. This prevents infections from becoming larger and more dangerous, even lethal. In addition, the effects of recurrent bacterial infections can be reduced. Smaller infections mean a reduction of disease damage and discomfort, as well as faster recovery.

Vaccines and antibiotics accepted but not always available

Vaccines work by speeding up the virus-specific immune response. The principle is to introduce an antigen from a pathogen to stimulate the immune system and develop specific immunity against that particular pathogen without causing the associated disease. Vaccines induce a memory for specific infectious organisms and their products and speed up the immune response if that specific infection occurs at a later time point. This keeps the infection limited and ready to be cleared up quickly and easily.

Protection periods after vaccination vary – they can be long for measles, intermediate for diphtheria, or short for influenza and probably corona virus due to its high viral mutation rate. The usage of vaccines is widely accepted, but they are not always available in time and can be expensive. The current pandemic, with its lacking and tardy availability of vaccines, is a relevant and disagreeable example.

Antibiotics work by fighting the bacterial infection directly. However, they offer insufficient relief for many diseases, including newly emerging or resistant infections. Antibiotics are often needed for bacterial infections, but the development of antibiotic resistance is reducing the availability of effective antibiotics at an alarming speed. In the Western world, for example, recurring cystitis in women leads to significant and increasing resistance to infections that can recur several times per year.